Welcome to the ePortfolio for Yaitza Rivera, also known as The Curly Coffee Coach! I am excited to have the opportunity to share my knowledge, my work, my skills, and my experiences both personally and professionally with you. My goals for this eP are two-fold. First, I intend to use this eP to complete the requisites my current Nonverbal Communications course at Old Dominion University. There will likely also be other courses throughout my study at O.D.U. that will require me to add to this ePortfolio. As such, you will see a compilation of projects from said courses on the Course Projects page. Second, this eP will also serve as the official ePortfolio for my coaching profile showcasing my work and experience as an aspiring Resilience Coach.
As my background is extensively marketing based, there were several things that came naturally to me when working on this eP. Already having a logo and a color scheme for the site came in particularly handy as selecting those can be quite tedious. In addition, I was able to already add elements from my professional experiences to the site including my resume and services that I intend to provide my clients. I also have established client feedback archived that will later be added as the eP is updated throughout the course. What I found hardest was some of the website management concerning layouts. While I enjoy that Wix allows you to truly customize the eP down to very minute details, I found it was often "touchy" in its response to my edits. Now, that may very well be user error, but it was at times a bit frustrating. My experience with website design has been largely template-based so it is possible I may have been "spoiled" in that regard.
I have been wanting to get a dedicated site up for The Curly Coffee Coach for some time now and am grateful that this course is allowing me to do that. Being able to tie in my social media and professional social persona to my eP will be advantageous in keeping my branding consistent. In addition, this will allow my classmates, followers, and potential clients to learn more about me, my work, and my goals as I continue to move forward with launching my coaching business. As the project continues, the site will be updated to use my professional domain that I have already secured. I am confident that this will be a positive step toward establishing myself as a professional resource and and formally legitimizing my coaching business.
At this stage of the eP project, my main questions lie with what the assigned topic will be for the Popular Press Analysis Paper that is a required element and how that will play into my coaching business. I previously completed a Popular Press Analysis last semester in my Human Communications course concerning the Loss of Language in Diasporas, specifically the Puerto Rican diaspora. It was a challenging yet rewarding research experience. I'm both nervous and excited to learn more about what the one for Nonverbal Communications will entail.